I am a Winner!

Okays so maybe not they winner, but a Winner!
I got another package in the mail.
The type of package that the wife say, "What did you buy?" Nothing. I don't order things for you anymore, not since the flowers I ordered and the id theft thingy.
Anyway this lovely hammock came in the UPS truck complete with little pillow and nice beer holder that is deep enough to hold your beer even if you nearly eat it when you try to get out. This is the second time I entered and won the summer Deschutes Brewery Contest!!!

Anyway this lovely hammock came in the UPS truck complete with little pillow and nice beer holder that is deep enough to hold your beer even if you nearly eat it when you try to get out. This is the second time I entered and won the summer Deschutes Brewery Contest!!!
I have to let it air out for a while, smells like new chair, that is why the pictures are in the garage, pardon the mess, but the keg-o-rator is in the garage and I have cable and a VCR in there to. Only thing I need now is a sink or a urinal.
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