A beerfest!

Not only did I get to got to a beer festival in Bend, sampling 19 beers, but I also got to go to a new brewery Three Creeks Brewing in Sisters and Bend Brewing (small brewpub of the year winner).
Let's start with Bend Brewing. Great Beer. I had a Czech Pilsner,(because I have had all the other regulars and the seasonals didn't sound great. Although I did miss the Jackelope Ginger Stout). The Rueben Sandwich with the Pilsner was even better. I liked the Pilsner, but again I am not a Pilsner Fan, but it was crisp and flavorful. Out of 10 I would give it a 7. I wanted more out of it and I have had better Pilsners.
The Three Creeks Brewery was new brewery in Sisters. Sure the service sucked, sure it was a new brewery, but wow. Usually if you go to a Brewery/Pub/Restaurant you need to go back 2-6 months later to see the real beer and restaurant, so food wise I will go back, it was good, but the teenage waiter need to be fine tuned. But to the Beer End (www.threecreeksbrewing.com)
The Knotty Blonde - this beer was okay, but surprisingly good. I am not a blonde fan but well put together I give it a 8.2. Crisp, flavorful, but too light. If you like a light beer this is good for you, but no chewy enough.
Old Prospector Pale - this beer was also okay. Pales aren't flavorful enough. But deserving a 8.2, because it was done well.
Anvil AleStonefly Rye - an ale with more kick and again well made, but not my cup of tea. a 8.3. Like the mrs say if you can see through it I don't want it.
Now the Good
Firestorm Red- this beer was second favorite. a 9.2. I was not so sharp/bitter to cut of my tongue. All of the flavor coated the tongue in the right places. The hops were also rich.
8 Second IBA - this beer was fantastic I give it a 9.5. What the hell is a IBA? who knows (go to the site). This beer was on the edge of being a porter, but lacked a mocha/chocolate/dark burnt to complete it. This had all the right hops, malts and richness of a drinkable beer. I was surprised to see no porter on the menu, but after having the pint of this I can see were they broke the mold and hit it big. I believe this beer will win them awards.
And now the BrewFest I was going to mention the 19 beers I tasted but.
I would also be foolish not to mention the 3 All Stars in the church of beer
#1-my wife, who drives my beer tasting ass around
#2-my FIL/MIL, who go places and see beer for me and buying it, grabbing coasters, signs and the tshirts
#3-Brudda/SIL for there beer adventuring and support of coasters and shirts.
sorry an error didn't allow me to attach the scores from the beerfest and will attach them later.
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